Schools in Malaysia are officially reopened on 15 July 2020 accompanied by SOP compliance order issued by the government. Forest City took the initiative to assist teachers and students in Mukim Tanjung Kupang to curb the spread of Covid-19 by donating body temperature scanners and hand sanitizer dispensers to all seven of its adopted schools namely SK Tanjung Adang, SK Morni Pok, SK Tanjung Kupang, SK Tiram Duku, SK Ladang Pendas, SK Pendas Laut and SMK Tanjung Adang.
Ir. Hj. Syarul Izam, Vice General Manager of Forest City handing over the body temperature scanner to Headmistress of SMK Tg. Adang
The contribution, which consists of 14 units of body temperature scanner and hand sanitizer dispenser, is expected to help educators carry out their duties while students studying in a safe, infection-free and healthy environment. The donation was handed over by the Deputy General Manager of Forest City, Ir. Haji Syarul Izam Sarifudin .
The headmaster of SK Morni Pok scanned his body temperature with the donated scanner witnessed by Syarul Izam
Headmistress of SK Tiram Duku sanitised her hands using sanitiser dispenser donated by Forest City