
碧桂園太平洋景公司是碧桂園集團與EsplanadeDanga88的合資企業,也是 森林城市的主要開發商和地產運營商。 Esplanade Danga 88是馬來西亞柔 佛州政府基礎設施集團的下屬分公司,佔碧桂園太平洋景公司40%的股份 。碧桂園集團總部位於中國廣東,佔碧桂園太平洋景公司60%的股份。

世界500強,中國地產3強 碧桂園是為社會創造幸福生活的高科技綜合性企業,於2007年在香港聯交所 主板上市。除了地產開發,還積極投身機器人產業與科技建造事業,積極參 與農業現代化和鄉村振興,併步履不停履行社會責任。

Merit Award for Landscape Analysis and Planning
May 5, 2016
Granted by:
Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA), a Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). The ASLA has a history of 103 years.
Award Status:
One of the most renowned awards in the US! As the first city adopting vertical greening, Forest City won international recognition by virtue of its unique environment protection and architectural concept. It is the only real estate project in Malaysia to have garnered this award.

May 5, 2016
Granted by:
Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA), a Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). The ASLA has a history of 103 years.
Award Status:
One of the most renowned awards in the US! As the first city adopting vertical greening, Forest City won international recognition by virtue of its unique environment protection and architectural concept. It is the only real estate project in Malaysia to have garnered this award.

Liang Guokun was awarded the recognition of mastery in landscape design by His Royal Highness Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar
November 3, 2016
Following his stunning designs including “Three-Dimensional Golf Garden Theory” and “Country Garden Ganga Bay”, design master Liang Guokun, a board director and the chief landscape designer from Country Garden Group, won the recognition of Mastery in Landscape Design by His Royal Highness Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar. He said: “I look forward to Mr. Liang’s latest creation in Forest City and expect it will become a world renowned classic, and his magical touches as well as artistry to perfection will bring another monument of global pride to Johor”.

November 3, 2016
Following his stunning designs including “Three-Dimensional Golf Garden Theory” and “Country Garden Ganga Bay”, design master Liang Guokun, a board director and the chief landscape designer from Country Garden Group, won the recognition of Mastery in Landscape Design by His Royal Highness Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar. He said: “I look forward to Mr. Liang’s latest creation in Forest City and expect it will become a world renowned classic, and his magical touches as well as artistry to perfection will bring another monument of global pride to Johor”.

2017 Best Sustainable Development(South Malaysia)
November 24, 2017
Granted by:
Star Property Awards 2017 (South Malaysia)
Award Status:
Known as the “Oscar Awards” in Malaysia real estate industry, the awards granted in Best Sustainable Development aim at commending the real estate projects which showcase environment-friendly elements in its planning, design and construction processes, and encourages environment sustainability as a way of life.

November 24, 2017
Granted by:
Star Property Awards 2017 (South Malaysia)
Award Status:
Known as the “Oscar Awards” in Malaysia real estate industry, the awards granted in Best Sustainable Development aim at commending the real estate projects which showcase environment-friendly elements in its planning, design and construction processes, and encourages environment sustainability as a way of life.

GreenRE Sustainable Design Award 2018” Gold Certification (Won respectively by Forest City Island 1, Shattuck-St. Mary’s Forest City International School Multi Use Centre)
November 22,2018
Granted by:
Award Status:
GreenRE is one of Malaysia's leading green building rating tools and it is the most influential assessment and certification institution for green buildings in Malaysia. The award for the Sustainable Design Gold Certification is a recognition on the green development of Forest City by Malaysia and the industry.

November 22,2018
Granted by:
Award Status:
GreenRE is one of Malaysia's leading green building rating tools and it is the most influential assessment and certification institution for green buildings in Malaysia. The award for the Sustainable Design Gold Certification is a recognition on the green development of Forest City by Malaysia and the industry.

The Malaysia Book Of Records-Largest fully automated IBS factory
April 25, 2019
Granted by:
The Malaysia Book Of Records
Award Status:
Forest City IBS Plant was officially recorded in the “Malaysia Book Of Record”; the Malaysian Works Minister stated the IBS Plant is the pride of the country and the way forward for the construction industry.

April 25, 2019
Granted by:
The Malaysia Book Of Records
Award Status:
Forest City IBS Plant was officially recorded in the “Malaysia Book Of Record”; the Malaysian Works Minister stated the IBS Plant is the pride of the country and the way forward for the construction industry.

Forest City Sales Gallery won the gold level pre-certification under LEED-CS
August 5, 2016
Granted by:
USGBC (The US Green Building Council)
Award status:
USGBC (The US Green Building Council) is an authoritative certification body of green buildings. With the most advanced and pragmatic scoring system in green building certification, it is considered to be the most complete and influential in the evaluation of green buildings and building sustainability. With the utilization of the 6 most advanced planning and design concepts (Multi-layered city, Multi-dimensional ecology landscape, integrated city, sponge city, smart city and TOD mode), Forest City aims to build itself into a prime model of a future city!

August 5, 2016
Granted by:
USGBC (The US Green Building Council)
Award status:
USGBC (The US Green Building Council) is an authoritative certification body of green buildings. With the most advanced and pragmatic scoring system in green building certification, it is considered to be the most complete and influential in the evaluation of green buildings and building sustainability. With the utilization of the 6 most advanced planning and design concepts (Multi-layered city, Multi-dimensional ecology landscape, integrated city, sponge city, smart city and TOD mode), Forest City aims to build itself into a prime model of a future city!

The Best Futura Mega Project Gold Award 2016 by MIPIM Asia
November 30, 2016
Granted by:
Award Status:
MIPIM is a Property Leaders Summit of the largest scale throughout the world. Since 1990, it has been annually held in Cannes, France, attracting the most influential real estate enterprises and professionals from all sectors throughout the world. Known as the Cannes Award of real estate industry, awards granted in MIPIM aim at commending outstanding real estate projects in innovation, design and environmental protection.

November 30, 2016
Granted by:
Award Status:
MIPIM is a Property Leaders Summit of the largest scale throughout the world. Since 1990, it has been annually held in Cannes, France, attracting the most influential real estate enterprises and professionals from all sectors throughout the world. Known as the Cannes Award of real estate industry, awards granted in MIPIM aim at commending outstanding real estate projects in innovation, design and environmental protection.

Iconic International City Planner & Sustainable Smart City Developer
September 18,2018
Granted by:
Star Property Awards 2018
Award Status:
Known as the “Oscar Awards” in Malaysia real estate industry. This award recognises Forest City in showcasing environment-friendly and smart city elements in its planning, design and construction processes, and encourages environment sustainability, green and smart living, consists of the most iconic city planning.

September 18,2018
Granted by:
Star Property Awards 2018
Award Status:
Known as the “Oscar Awards” in Malaysia real estate industry. This award recognises Forest City in showcasing environment-friendly and smart city elements in its planning, design and construction processes, and encourages environment sustainability, green and smart living, consists of the most iconic city planning.

Forbes Bi-Weekly website highlighted 5 New Cities That Are Set To Shake Up The Future
March 29, 2018
Granted by:
Forbes Bi-Weekly Website
Award Status:
The 5 new cities are Xiongan New Area (China), Nurkent (Kazakhstan), Colombo Port City(Sri Lanka), Dumq(Oman), which are considered an attempt to redefine its country as a whole and its future role in the global economy.

March 29, 2018
Granted by:
Forbes Bi-Weekly Website
Award Status:
The 5 new cities are Xiongan New Area (China), Nurkent (Kazakhstan), Colombo Port City(Sri Lanka), Dumq(Oman), which are considered an attempt to redefine its country as a whole and its future role in the global economy.

Outstanding Smart City Project for Smart Buildings
July 22, 2019
Granted by:
IDC Asia Pacific Smart City Awardss
Award Status:
The judging criteria for the Smart City Asia Pacific Awards is determined by IDC analysts’ tracking, review and ranking, a public vote, and voting by the IDC International Advisory Council. Forest City participated for the first time in the selection and won the Smart Building category award, making it the only Malaysian project to win this year! try.

July 22, 2019
Granted by:
IDC Asia Pacific Smart City Awardss
Award Status:
The judging criteria for the Smart City Asia Pacific Awards is determined by IDC analysts’ tracking, review and ranking, a public vote, and voting by the IDC International Advisory Council. Forest City participated for the first time in the selection and won the Smart Building category award, making it the only Malaysian project to win this year! try.

Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Property Development New Product Innovation Award
October 13, 2016
Granted by:
Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan is a world-renowned transnational consulting company with its business covering market research, market analysis and corporate development services, etc.
Award Status:
As a Best Practice Award, the Asia Pacific Property Development New Product Innovation Award is granted to top enterprises which can utilize unique and innovative technologies to improve product performance and quality. Previous award winners include Huawei, Ericsson and Boeing, etc.

October 13, 2016
Granted by:
Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan is a world-renowned transnational consulting company with its business covering market research, market analysis and corporate development services, etc.
Award Status:
As a Best Practice Award, the Asia Pacific Property Development New Product Innovation Award is granted to top enterprises which can utilize unique and innovative technologies to improve product performance and quality. Previous award winners include Huawei, Ericsson and Boeing, etc.

2017 Best Sustainable Development(South Malaysia)
November 24, 2017
Granted by:
Star Property Awards 2017 (South Malaysia)
Award Status:
Known as the “Oscar Awards” in Malaysia real estate industry, the awards granted in Best Sustainable Development aim at commending the real estate projects which showcase environment-friendly elements in its planning, design and construction processes, and encourages environment sustainability as a way of life.

November 24, 2017
Granted by:
Star Property Awards 2017 (South Malaysia)
Award Status:
Known as the “Oscar Awards” in Malaysia real estate industry, the awards granted in Best Sustainable Development aim at commending the real estate projects which showcase environment-friendly elements in its planning, design and construction processes, and encourages environment sustainability as a way of life.

Iconic International City Planner & Sustainable Smart City Developer
September 18,2018
Granted by:
Star Property Awards 2018
Award Status:
Known as the “Oscar Awards” in Malaysia real estate industry. This award recognises Forest City in showcasing environment-friendly and smart city elements in its planning, design and construction processes, and encourages environment sustainability, green and smart living, consists of the most iconic city planning.

September 18,2018
Granted by:
Star Property Awards 2018
Award Status:
Known as the “Oscar Awards” in Malaysia real estate industry. This award recognises Forest City in showcasing environment-friendly and smart city elements in its planning, design and construction processes, and encourages environment sustainability, green and smart living, consists of the most iconic city planning.

Awarded by Malaysian PM,Tun Dr.Mahathir-Certificate of CSR Contribution
February 17, 2019
Granted by:
Malaysian Prime Minister Office
Forest City was awarded Certificate of CSR Contribution from the Malaysian PM, Tun Dr.Mahathir. Forest City is also the only foreign-invested company that has won this award in the ceremony.

February 17, 2019
Granted by:
Malaysian Prime Minister Office
Forest City was awarded Certificate of CSR Contribution from the Malaysian PM, Tun Dr.Mahathir. Forest City is also the only foreign-invested company that has won this award in the ceremony.

Global Green Smart City
September 6, 2019
Granted by:
2019 GFHS (Global Forum on Human Settlement) Annual Session
Award Status:
Subordinated to SCAHSA (Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award) which is also known as “the Oscar Award in Human Settlements”, it enjoys strong support and high recognition of UN organizations such as UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ). The 2019 GFHS Annual Session was co-organized by the Global Forum on Human Settlements (GFHS), the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the World Urban Campaign (WUC), aiming to reward those who have achieved success in areas such as urban transformation, urban innovation, green growth, high quality, resilient and sustainable urban development. This is the fourth time that Forest City has been awarded the international award and is the only Malaysian project to receive this award in 2019.

September 6, 2019
Granted by:
2019 GFHS (Global Forum on Human Settlement) Annual Session
Award Status:
Subordinated to SCAHSA (Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award) which is also known as “the Oscar Award in Human Settlements”, it enjoys strong support and high recognition of UN organizations such as UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ). The 2019 GFHS Annual Session was co-organized by the Global Forum on Human Settlements (GFHS), the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the World Urban Campaign (WUC), aiming to reward those who have achieved success in areas such as urban transformation, urban innovation, green growth, high quality, resilient and sustainable urban development. This is the fourth time that Forest City has been awarded the international award and is the only Malaysian project to receive this award in 2019.

Global Human Settlements Award on Planning and Design
October 17 at the Habitat III of GFHS-XI
Granted by:
GFHS (Global Forum on Human Settlement) is a NGO (non-profit organization) in special consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic annd Social Council) and an important parallel session of Habitat III (United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development.
Award status:
Subordinated to SCAHSA (Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award) which is also known as “the Oscar Award in Human Settlements”, it enjoys strong support and high recognition of UN organizations such as UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ).

October 17 at the Habitat III of GFHS-XI
Granted by:
GFHS (Global Forum on Human Settlement) is a NGO (non-profit organization) in special consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic annd Social Council) and an important parallel session of Habitat III (United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development.
Award status:
Subordinated to SCAHSA (Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award) which is also known as “the Oscar Award in Human Settlements”, it enjoys strong support and high recognition of UN organizations such as UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ).

Global Model of Green Building Industrial Park(IBS Park)
October 31, 2017
Granted by:
GFHS (Global Forum on Human Settlement) is a NGO (non-profit organization) in special consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic annd Social Council).
Award Status:
Subordinated to SCAHSA (Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award) which is also known as “the Oscar Award in Human Settlements”, it enjoys strong support and high recognition of UN organizations such as UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ).

October 31, 2017
Granted by:
GFHS (Global Forum on Human Settlement) is a NGO (non-profit organization) in special consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic annd Social Council).
Award Status:
Subordinated to SCAHSA (Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award) which is also known as “the Oscar Award in Human Settlements”, it enjoys strong support and high recognition of UN organizations such as UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ).

Global Model of City-Industry Integration Award
October 30-31,2018
Granted by:
GFHS (Global Forum on Human Settlement) is a NGO (non-profit organization) in special consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic annd Social Council).
Subordinated to SCAHSA (Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award) which is also known as “the Oscar Award in Human Settlements”, it enjoys strong support and high recognition of UN organizations such as UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ). It is the only Malaysian company to receive this honour in 2018 and the third time in a row that Forest City represented Malaysia to win world-class award.

October 30-31,2018
Granted by:
GFHS (Global Forum on Human Settlement) is a NGO (non-profit organization) in special consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic annd Social Council).
Subordinated to SCAHSA (Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Award) which is also known as “the Oscar Award in Human Settlements”, it enjoys strong support and high recognition of UN organizations such as UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme ). It is the only Malaysian company to receive this honour in 2018 and the third time in a row that Forest City represented Malaysia to win world-class award.

Asean Property Award on Best Sustainable Green Development
March 15, 2019
Granted by:
Asean Property Award
Award Status:
Forest City has leading industrialised building system that operated over 1 & half years;committed in Green & Smart construction, created over hundreds local job positions.This award is a high recognition of the implementation of a green sustainable development strategy in Forest City to build a green and smart city.

March 15, 2019
Granted by:
Asean Property Award
Award Status:
Forest City has leading industrialised building system that operated over 1 & half years;committed in Green & Smart construction, created over hundreds local job positions.This award is a high recognition of the implementation of a green sustainable development strategy in Forest City to build a green and smart city.

2019 Asian Townscape Jury's Award Asian Townscape Design Award - Innovative Design Award
November 29, 2019
Granted by:
Asian Townscape Awards
Award Status:
The “Asian Townscape Awards” was jointly established by UN-HABITAT’s Asia Pacific office, Asian Habitat Society, the Fukuoka Asian Urban Research Center, and the Asian Townscape Design Society in 2010.The award is an annual award for projects and activities that have made outstanding contributions to sustainable landscape construction. Forest City's "Feather of the Sea" International Business Complex won 2 awards by virtue of its green building design, its design and planning concept of sustainable development, and other highlights such as its comprehensive planning and application of a smart city as well as protection measures for the ecological environment.

November 29, 2019
Granted by:
Asian Townscape Awards
Award Status:
The “Asian Townscape Awards” was jointly established by UN-HABITAT’s Asia Pacific office, Asian Habitat Society, the Fukuoka Asian Urban Research Center, and the Asian Townscape Design Society in 2010.The award is an annual award for projects and activities that have made outstanding contributions to sustainable landscape construction. Forest City's "Feather of the Sea" International Business Complex won 2 awards by virtue of its green building design, its design and planning concept of sustainable development, and other highlights such as its comprehensive planning and application of a smart city as well as protection measures for the ecological environment.
