
GELANG PATAH, 21 FEBRUARY 2024: Forest City hosted an international media golf tournament attended by 100 local and international media partners.
The media practitioners who participated in the competition were from Malaysia, Singapore, China, Indonesia, and South Korea.
The golf tournament was also attended by management members, editors, cameramen and reporters from various local and foreign media agencies.
The golf tournament is organised to rejoice the support extended by media practitioners to the company throughout its development. In addition, it is to strengthening bilateral relations between them.
The competition, which was first held in 2019, was halted for several years due to the pandemic.
"This golf tournament was initially planned as a Forest City’s annual event since we have an international standard golf course.
But it is on hiatus when the pandemic happened. The management is pleased to have media practitioners in Forest City.
We appreciate their effort and willingness to spend time to participate in the tournament," said Ir. Syarul Izam, Deputy President of Forest City.
The golf tournament was held at the Legacy course at Forest City Golf Resort. The 18-hole golf course was designed by Jack Nicklaus, an international golf legend, and his son, Jack Nicklaus II.
The program was conducted for 2 days and 1 night. The media practitioner’s arrival was celebrated by Country Garden Malaysia-Singapore Region’s management during dinner followed by a golf tournament the next morning.
A luncheon trailed the prize-giving event. The ceremony was also enlivened with a lucky draw session.
Longest drive category won by Mahathir Mohd Sidi from Media Prima. Meanwhile Ismadi A. Manap from RTM topped the nearest to line. Chen Hao from China won the nearest to pin.
Champion for nett score is Toha Dol and Mahathir Mohd Sidin won for gross score.